Understanding Suicide Prevention: A Year-Round Commitment

Understanding Suicide Prevention: A Year-Round Commitment

Understanding Suicide Prevention: A Year-Round Commitment

As healthcare professionals, we recognize that suicide is a complex and tragic issue that requires our attention year-round. September is National Suicide Prevention Month, serving as a crucial reminder of the importance of our role in identifying and addressing the warning signs of suicide in our patients. At Annashae, we are committed to promoting suicide awareness and encouraging everyone to learn about the behaviors that may signal someone is thinking about suicide. For additional resources and information, visit here.

Recognizing the Warning Signs

Suicide is a serious public health concern, and understanding the signs can make a significant difference.

Here are some behaviors that may indicate someone is contemplating suicide:

Talking About:

  1. Wanting to Die: When individuals express a desire to end their life, it’s a clear cry for help.
  2. Great Guilt or Shame: Feelings of overwhelming guilt or shame can lead someone to consider suicide.
  3. Being a Burden to Others: Believing that they are a burden on their loved ones can be a distressing thought for many individuals.


  1. Empty, Hopeless, Trapped, or Having No Reason to Live: Feelings of hopelessness and emptiness can be strong indicators.
  2. Extreme Sadness, Anxiety, Agitation, or Rage: A sudden change in emotions may signal distress.
  3. Unbearable Emotional or Physical Pain: When someone describes their pain as unbearable, it’s a significant concern.

Changing Behavior, Such As:

  1. Making a Plan or Researching Ways to Die: Any indication of planning for suicide should be taken seriously.
  2. Withdrawing from Friends, Saying Goodbye, Giving Away Important Items, or Making a Will: These actions can be signs of suicidal intent.
  3. Taking Dangerous Risks, Such as Driving Extremely Fast: Engaging in risky behavior may indicate a disregard for one’s own safety.
  4. Displaying Extreme Mood Swings: Sudden and severe mood swings can be alarming.
  5. Changes in Eating or Sleeping Habits: Drastic changes in these basic functions may be related to emotional distress.
  6. Increased Use of Drugs or Alcohol: Substance abuse can often be linked to mental health struggles.

Seek Help Promptly:

If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of these warning signs, it’s crucial to seek help as soon as possible. This is especially important if the behavior is new or has escalated recently. Remember, you are not alone, and support is available now online and by phone.

National Crisis Helplines:

As National Suicide Prevention Month comes to a close, it’s essential to remember that suicide prevention is not limited to a single month. It’s a year-round commitment that requires our ongoing vigilance and dedication. By recognizing the warning signs and offering support, we can all contribute to saving lives and promoting mental health. Together, we can make a difference.

At Annashae, we are dedicated to supporting the mental health and well-being of healthcare professionals and patients alike. If you’re a healthcare provider seeking assistance, considering locum tenens opportunities, or if you’re a healthcare facility looking to add locum tenens professionals to your team, we’re here to help. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on the healthcare community.

Remember, your dedication to the well-being of others is invaluable, and we are here to support you every step of the way.