Looking for a little extra money? Consider These Reasons to Work Locum Tenens Shifts

Looking for a little extra money Consider These Reasons to Work Locum Tenens Shifts

Looking for a little extra money? Consider These Reasons to Work Locum Tenens Shifts

Locum tenens is a term that refers to doctors who serve in a temporary role. It translates from Latin to mean: to hold a place. Temporarily taking the place of a physician can have many benefits. 

Many physicians choose locum tenens work for reasons like these: 

  • Increased flexibility 
  • Greater variety in cases and environments 
  • Travel opportunities 
  • Using skills where they are most needed 

But there’s one more significant reason physicians choose temporary work: 

Locum tenens offers the opportunity to make extra money at a very competitive rate. 

How can locums work add to your physician income? 

Higher salary.

Locum work often pays more, and it pays well from the first day, unlike some private practice partnership tracks where you must work your way up to a higher salary level. This perk can be great if you are coming out of your residency and used to working more than eight hours a day. As a locum tenens physician, your “normal” workday can make you a lot of money because you can expect to be paid for overtime. On-call time can also earn you extra pay, and accepting a mission-critical job on short notice can earn you a premium salary. 

You can make extra money working locum tenens in addition to your regular physician job. 

Many physicians choose to accept locum roles before they take a permanent job, in between positions, or while they are taking a “vacation” from their full-time role. This allows them to earn extra income for big expenditures that aren’t in their current budget or to pay off debts.  

Locum tenens roles don’t always involve traveling. A physician recruiter can help you find a job in your area. Many physicians find opportunities: 

  • Covering another doctor’s vacation 
  • Working an evening or more at an urgent care facility 
  • Covering call for colleagues with other responsibilities 
  • Read X-Rays on weekends 

Do you have a specialty in high demand or a desire to help underserved areas? 

If so, you might be able to command a high salary working as a locum. Several factors affect pay rates for locum tenens physicians. Among them are: 

  • Demand. Healthcare facilities are often willing to pay a higher salary for hard-to-fill specialty roles. Positions that require complex procedure skills or have a high patient load also tend to pay more. 
  • Geographic area. Rural locations or those that struggle to attract full-time doctors will often be willing to pay a higher compensation rate. 
  • Type of shift needed. If you’re willing to work weekends, holidays, or on-call hours, you can often earn a higher pay rate. 

Are you a physician looking to use your skills to improve your bottom line? Annashae places physicians in locum tenens roles nationwide. Our expert recruiters can help you find a role that matches your skills and interests while providing competitive compensation and a change of pace. Connect with us to start your search today.